Granulated manure. Manure pelletizing. Advantages of using granular manure

Granulated manure. Manure pelletizing. Advantages of using granular manure

Manure is a high-quality organic fertilizer that provides essential nutrients such as nitrogen( N), potassium (K) or phosphorus (P) necessary for proper plant growth. It is formed from a mixture of livestock droppings and litter. It also provides plants with other nutrients necessary for development such as calcium, sodium, magnesium, sulfur, manganese, boron and zinc.

Due to the content of organic matter, it also has a very good effect on improving the structure of the soil. In the process of conversion of organic matter, decay is formed in the soil and the development of soil-beneficial bacterial microflora occurs. Improving the level of Decay also increases the water capacity of the soil.

Types of manure by Origin:

- bovine manure

- obornik courses

- horse manure

- pig manure

- sheep manure

- pigeon droppings and much more.

There is also an artificial manure, which is formed in the process of Straw-Straw composting

with slurry, slurry with the addition of mineral fertilizers (e.g. N, P, CA) and with the addition of special preparations. Artificial manure is not inferior in terms of fertilizer values to natural manure.

Types of manure due to the form

We can distinguish several basic forms of manure:

- natural manure (fresh/raw) - coming directly from animals (consisting of litter, faeces

and animal urine). It contains toxic ammonia and is highly concentrated. It can also contain seeds such as weeds, various pathogens or parasites. It also has an intense unpleasant odor.

- composted manure-natural manure stored in designated landfills in which favorable fermentation processes occur (e.g. manure plate)

- dried manure – this is composted manure, in which the amount of water in the mass has been reduced. It has no unpleasant odor.

- granular manure – fertilizer pellet) - the optimal form of manure. The manure is subjected to a technological process, the final product of which is a fertilizer pellet in the form of granular manure. It is the optimal form of organic fertilizer both due to the physico-chemical parameters, microbial stability, as well as the comfort of fertilizer application

in large-scale farms, small and medium-sized farms or

in domestic amateur crops.

During the technological process of production of granular manure, the input product is composted manure of appropriate humidity.

The first step is the crushing of the composted manure into the appropriate fraction, using, for example, Technomashbud punch Mills of the KRAFT or MB series. The crushed mass is then dried at a relatively high temperature, e.g. in an aerodynamic dryer of the SA series. During drying, under the influence of high temperature, weed seeds, pathogenic pathogens or parasites that remain after the composting process die. Then the crushed and dried manure is formed using a Technomashbud granulator/pellet maker included in the pellet production line, e.g. from the LDG family. The manure thus formed in the form of a fertilizer pellet can be calibrated and cooled using a PT-500 conveyor belt and packaged according to market needs (e.g. 5, 10 or 15 kg packaging or BIG BAG type) using a weigher, e.g. WP-600.

Strengths of using fertilizer in the form of granules

Granulated manure is a safe natural product with universal application, differing in the amount of individual nutrients due to their origin.

The product supplied in pellet form can be stored in dry and airy rooms for up to 3 years. Application can take place from early spring to late autumn during the entire growing process. Manure in the form of fertilizer pellets is easy to hand-scatter as

and machine. It does not emit an unpleasant odor. Granulated manure after application, under the influence of moisture, swells, and then decomposes, providing plants with nutrients, improving the structure of the soil.

In addition to the safety aspect of using granular manure in the field of active weed seeds, pathogens or parasites, the comfort of application compared to natural manure is also important. Granular manure allows for much faster and cheaper application on the farm using standard Fertilizer seeders.

The consumption of natural manure is about 20-30 tons per hectare, with the need to use a specialized manure spreader, in the autumn period, with the need for immediate plowing. On the other hand, the consumption of granulated manure is only 1-2 tons per hectare, with application from spring to autumn, during the entire growing season, with the possibility of leaving the granules on the soil surface and the gradual release of nutrients into the soil, without the risk of infection with pathogens, parasites or the spread of weeds.

It is assumed that 1 ton of granular manure is formed from the processing of about 10-15 tons of natural/raw manure.

Technomashbud granulators of the GMK, RTH and Prime series are successfully proven in the production of finished fertilizers.

05/07/2023 10:21:51

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