Product code: EGK-30
Availability: In stock
The EGK-30 grain extruder from the manufacturer TechnoMaszBud is designed to obtain high-quality fee..
Product code: EGK-50
Availability: In stock
The EGK-50 grain extruder from the manufacturer TechnoMaszBud is designed to obtain high-quality fee..
Product code: EGK-60
Availability: In stock
The EGK-60 grain extruder from the manufacturer TechnoMaszBud is designed to obtain high-quality fee..
Product code: EGK-100
Availability: In stock
The EGK-100 grain extruder from the manufacturer TechnoMaszBud is designed to obtain high-quality fe..
Product code: EGK-150 do SOI
Availability: In stock
The EGK-150 grain extruder from the manufacturer TechnoMaszBud is designed to obtain high-quality fe..
Product code: EGK-150
Availability: In stock
The EGK-150 grain extruder from the manufacturer TechnoMaszBud is designed to obtain high-quality fe..
Product code: EGK-200
Availability: In stock
The EGK-200 grain extruder from the manufacturer TechnoMaszBud is designed to obtain high-quality fe..
Product code: EGK-200 do soi
Availability: In stock
Do you want to see your cattle, pigs and poultry grow with impressive intensity? Are you thinking ab..
Product code: EGK-350
Availability: In stock
The EGK-350 grain extruder from the manufacturer TechnoMaszBud is designed to obtain high-quality fe..
Product code: EGK-350 S
Availability: In stock
Are you thinking about getting your cattle, pigs, and poultry to reach a high weight? Would you like..
Product code: EGK-500
Availability: In stock
The EGK-500 grain extruder from TechnoMaszBud is a revolutionary solution that significantly improve..
Product code: Bunkier-50
Availability: In stock
The Bunker Feeder (Dispenser) Bunker-50 is an effective solution for automating the process of feedi..
Product code: Rozdrabniacz-ekstruzji
Availability: In stock
An extrusion shredder (extruder) is a device used in the processing of raw materials, particularly i..

Feed extruders are designed to process whole grains into foamed Air stick or flakes. In the process of extrusion, deep changes occur in the structure of the nutrients of raw materials: starch breaks down into simple sugars, proteins undergo denaturation, anti-nutrients are deactivated in legumes, harmful microflora is disinfected. This means that the nutrients contained in the feed become much more available. At the same time, amino acids and vitamins are not destroyed due to a short-term process that contributes to 90% absorption in the body of animals. Finished products are convenient to store and transport, as they do not exfoliate or crumble.