Repair and storage conditions

I. Verification:                                                              

1. The customer, i.e. the company or natural person who delivered the product(equipment) to the Technomashbud headquarters (in accordance with the acceptance protocol for fault verification/repair), orders verification of the technical condition of the transferred product (equipment) and its repair.                                                              

2. In the case of non-warranty verification and repair, the cost is calculated in working hours. Working hours: 175,00 zł / net.                                                              

3. After carrying out the ordered verification, the client will inform the client about the detected irregularities and the possibilities and price of their repair. An offer will be made to repair the verified product.  In the absence of consent for repair, the customer is obliged to pay for the verification of the defect.                                                              

II. Repair:                                                              

1. The customer, referring to the offer, may order in a separate order the repair of the product (equipment) in writing, by e-mail or by phone.                                                              

2. If the principal does not order the repair within 14 days of the tender, he shall pay the principal's fee for carrying out the verification in accordance with point I/1.                                                              

III. Payments:                                                              

1. In the case of an order for verification or repair of a product (equipment), the customer will pay a fee in the amount indicated in the offer by the customer.                                                              

2. The amount of remuneration may be changed only in the event of unforeseen circumstances (these are reasons beyond the control of the client or impossible to verify at the time of verification, through the fault of the client, and causing an increase in repair/verification costs at the time of assessment and provided that the client is informed in advance of this change.                                                              

IV. Missed the deadline:                                                              

1. If the product(equipment) is not picked up within the agreed period, the customer will calculate the rent for storage of the product(equipment) at the rate of PLN 20.00 net/Day/device.                                                              

2. Failure to collect the product (equipment) within three months from the date of acceptance for verification/repair, in accordance with article 180 of the civil code, in conjunction with Article 60 of the Civil Code, the customer will treat as a will to dispose of the property, which results in the recognition of the product(equipment) as abandoned.                                                              

3. Failure to collect the product (equipment) does not exempt the customer from the obligation to pay a fee in the amount of the price of verification or repair.                                                              

4. Acceptance of the product (equipment) may not be subject to the fulfilment of any additional conditions other than payment of remuneration.