Aerodynamic Dryers

4 kW
Aerodynamic Sawdust Dryer SA-400

Product code: SA-400


In stock

TechnoMaszBud offers an Aerodynamic Sawdust Dryer SA-400 which in combination with a ..

Product code: SA-400-PRO


In stock

TechnoMaszBud offers an aerodynamic sawdust dryer SA-400 PRO, which in combination with the LDG pell..

5,5 kW
Aerodynamic Sawdust Dryer SA-600

Product code: SA-600


In stock

We offer complete drying lines for biomass including sawdust, wood chips, straw, fruit pomace and ma..

Product code: SA-600-uzywana


In stock

We offer complete drying lines for biomass including sawdust, wood chips, straw, fruit pomace and ma..

Product code: SA-600-PRO


In stock

TechnoMaszBud offers an aerodynamic sawdust dryer SA-400 PRO, which in combination with the LD..

13,6 kW
Aerodynamic Double-Circuit Sawdust Dryer SA-800

Product code: SA-800


In stock

We offer complete drying lines for biomass including sawdust, wood chips, straw, grain waste and man..

Product code: SA-800-PRO


In stock

Two-circuit aerodynamic sawdust dryer SA-800 PRO is an aerodynamic pipeline through which circulates..

22 kW
Aerodynamic Double-Circuit Sawdust Dryer SA-800 PRO

Product code: SA-1200


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Two-circuit aerodynamic sawdust dryer SA-800 PRO is an aerodynamic pipeline through which circulates..

Product code: MW


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The wood moisture meter is designed for express analysis of the moisture of various types of wood, b..

Aerodynamic Dryers

In this category you can get acquainted with the types of aerodynamic dryers from our company. Aerodynamic drying systems are designed for drying fine fraction materials (sawdust, wood chips, woodworking waste) in a stream of hot air. The device is used to reduce moisture in the raw material for further processing. The main source of heat is the furnace, which creates the desired temperature conditions in the pipeline. The equipment can be purchased separately or in a set with a pellet and feed production line.

Compared to other professional dryers, aerodynamic dryers for sawdust are compact and do not require Foundation preparation. Secondly, to install an aerodynamic dryer, special measuring equipment is not required. The dryer is easy to install and operate and provides almost complete process automation. Thirdly, it is profitability. The sawdust dryer consumes very little energy, given the fact that it is connected to a solid fuel oven. For drying, both sawdust and chips and agricultural waste, sunflower husks, sawdust, straw, peat are suitable. Dried raw materials can be used for the production of pellets and fuel briquettes.

Sawdust dryer from Technomaszbud

At Technomaszbud, we hear of modern and advanced solutions. We offer our partners machines with different applications and different capacities. However, these are mainly equipment for the production of pellet, feed, etc. We are always trying to provide the best

and complex devices. That is why a sawdust dryer had to be included in our offer. Their advantage is, among other things, compact size, which allows you to place the dryer even in small storage rooms.

Thanks to the use of modern ventilation systems, our dryers guarantee even drying of sawdust, which translates into high quality of the final product. Aerodynamic solutions make our dryers irreplaceable in the wood industry, contributing to the optimization of the production process. We encourage you to check the available proposals.

Aerodynamic sawdust dryers as innovative solutions for the wood industry

Sawdust drying machines are a great investment for companies that produce pellets not only on a large scale. These devices allow precise control of the drying process. The use of advanced technologies determines the effective disposal of moisture, which affects not only the quality of dried sawdust, but also energy savings. You can not forget about saving time. The collected raw material dries itself for a long time, while the sawdust dryer significantly reduces the waiting time. This also allows the use of material with varying degrees of moisture.

Sawdust drying machines, which are effective tools in wood processing

Aerodynamic sawdust dryers can be combined with our pellet production lines. Thanks to their use, you are able to achieve even greater efficiency as a producer of ecological pellet for boilers, fireplaces, as well as furnaces. Our devices are considered effective. They allow you to optimize the space in the plant due to their compactness. Despite their small size, they offer performance at the highest level. The precise control of the drying process makes dryers the ideal solution for businesses that value both space saving and

and high quality dried sawdust.

The wood waste dryer supports the production of organic sawdust from wood industry waste. What is important, depending on the chosen model of the device, you can count on the following efficiency - sawdust of a fresh tree with a level of 40-60% humidity is prepared for pelletizing after just one pass through the dryer.

Why choose compact sawdust dryers from us?

Our compact sawdust dryers are a very good choice due to several features. They provide space saving due to their relatively small size, are unrivaled and efficient. They consume relatively little energy, which minimizes production costs. At the same time, they are trouble-free to assemble and easy to transport. Importantly, our Sawdust dryers are delivered disassembled. Nevertheless, at Technomashbud we provide technical support in the assembly process. It is also worth deciding on our proposals due to the possibility of completing entire production lines.  

Our Sawdust dryer is a combination of modern solutions that ensure efficient drying of materials. Precise temperature and humidity control,

combined with advanced ventilation systems, it guarantees uniform dehumidification. Invest in our equipment to improve the quality and efficiency of your pellet production process.

What makes a wood waste dryer different?

The devices that we offer are economical sawdust dryers. They allow precise control of the drying process for optimal results. Thanks to modern moisture and temperature management systems, you get optimal conditions for drying sawdust. Our equipment is covered by a multi-month warranty. We also provide our partners with after-sales support and service in the event of a breakdown. The undoubted advantage of our devices is high quality, as well as the absence of the need to prepare the foundation. The wood waste dryer can fit even in a small storage room.

Choose our dryer to ensure optimal conditions for efficient and precise wood drying.